'Spirio' Soccer Fields at White Rock's Overlook Park ...

The tradition of research collaboration and sharing that began in 1927 at Pecos Pueblo continues on the Pajarito Plateau at White Rock (near Los Alamos), under the guidance of dedicated archaeologists, tribal representatives, and local, state and federal agency sponsors...

The purpose of the Pecos Conference, as Alfred Vincent Kidder put it in summing up the first such gathering is to...

"...bring about contact between workers in the Southwest field to discuss fundamental problems of Southwestern prehistory; and to formulate problems of Southwest prehistory; to pool knowledge of facts and techniques, and to lay a foundation for a unified system of nomenclature."

Deliberately informal, the Pecos Conference affords Southwestern archaeologists a superlative opportunity to talk with one another, both by presenting field reports and by casual discussions. It is a chance to see old friends, meet new ones, pick up fresh information, organize future conferences, and have a great time.

In recent years, Native Americans, avocational archaeologists, the general public and media organizations have come to play an increasingly important role, serving as participants and as audience, to celebrate archaeological research and to mark cultural continuity.