From: J. MIKE LAVERDE THE EL PASO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY in cooperation with the Centennial Museum at UTEP Presents Tom Middlebrook, MD Speaking on "The Saga of a Recovering Potaholic " Thursday, July 15, 1999, 7:30 PM Neill Auditorium in the Business Administration Building at UTEP This lecture will include a discussion of the problem of site looting and compulsive collecting. Suggestions for avoiding and reducing destruction of the archeological record will be illustrated by examples of avocational research on Caddoan sites in East Texas. Tom is President of the Texas Archeological Society for 1997-1999. He graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with honors earning BS in Geology and an M.A. in Psychology. His next graduate degree was from Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia in Theology. He began his medical training at Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. There he completed his M.D. in 1983, Psychiatry Residency in 1987, and Child Psychiatry Fellowship in 1988. He helped form the East Texas Caddoan Archeology Research Group to pull together folks who are actively working on research problems in the area. He has published several brief papers related to his Caddoan archeology activities and has given many presentations to archeological societies and conferences as well as civic and school organizations. Tom is married and has five children. He enjoys raising roses and dachshunds and is active in his church. The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information call 751-3295 or check our web site at

TEXAS Monahans Sandhills State Park makes up only a small portion of the area covered with sand that extends from just outside of Monahans into eastern New Mexico. A learning center contains artifacts found in the park, including arrowheads, items left by pioneers and other historical paraphernalia. Resembling the dunes of the Sahara Desert, and sometimes reaching 70-foot heights, the sandhills stymied westward-bound pioneers. But local Native Americans often camped among them, realizing that in many spots fresh water lay just inches beneath the sand. Some people believe there was a wagon train loaded down with gold that was lost out here. From time to time stagecoach parts are found out here and it gets believers in the story worked up.

CYBERIA You have these two big museums to two dead white guys, and 90 percent of the island residents are descended from African slaves. So we spent a lot of time talking about how to make the cultural heritage more relevant to the people of Nevis. Creationists have fashioned a new approach--insisting evolution is too preposterously speculative to merit a place in the science curriculum. This new creationist strategy is making some headway, raising serious debates about what to teach kids in states as diverse as Tennessee and Michigan, Arizona and Alabama, New Mexico and Nebraska. The National Center for Science Education predicts the new creationist strategy is going to be "far more effective" than the old approach "because it doesn't sound religious, so from a legal standpoint, it's going to be harder to attack." Fort Ancient is North America's largest prehistoric Indian hilltop enclosure, with earthen mounds built by Hopewell Indians 2,000 years ago. The museum's interactive exhibits acquaint visitors with the history of native cultures in Southern Ohio. Jones' passion about North Carolina's place in gold mining history led to efforts to save the Reed mine. This year, it celebrates its bicentennial as the first gold strike in North America outside Mexico. Fifty years before the California Rush and 100 years before the Klondike, the Reed mine produced the magic element on which nations were built.