Message #91
From: AzTeC SW Archaeology SIG
To:   "'Matthias Giessler'" 

Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998

[ AzTeC / SWA SASIG ] :

From: Hank Hayne

I own and protect a property adjoining Cortez Colorado
and McElmo Canyon. A unique property in danger of urban
sprawl, with an Anasazi community burried and undisturbed.
I am in search of a University or foundation interested
in researching and protecting a property of this type.

Universities generally don't have the money.  If seeking
a university, the best bet would be one near you, though,
many schools do come in to the SW from a distance to
sponsor field schools.  When universities or institutions
sponsor field schools, even the 'profesional' or 'scientific'
digging can be destructive -- excavation is not generally
a method of preservation, but, excavation may be a
means in the preservation process. 

If your interest is preservation, I recommend you contact
the Archaeological Conservancy. Don Dove and Glendale
Community College host a field school in your area may be
able to offer advice on how to finance, market and conduct
appropriate research.

Also contact the Colorado State Historic Preservation Office
or other Colorado professionals for advice.

There are a few good books out on how to protect sites
on private property.  If you need the references, please
let me know.

SWA list members may contact you to offer additional
advice regarding your situation.