Message #1:
From: AzTeC SW Archaeology SIG 
To:  "'z Matthias Giessler'" 
Subject: SWA and SASIG Goals for 1996
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 95 12:16:00 MST
Encoding: 104 TEXT  

The Southwestern Archaeology (SWA) Internet site resides at The Southwestern Archaeology Special     
Interest Group (SASIG), a bulletin board, serves current events data at          
SWA and the SASIG provide an open forum for the dissemination of
anthropological, archaeological and historical knowledge related to the
American Southwest.  Here are the goals of SWA and the SASIG for 1996:
        o  Encourage electronic communication and the timely exchange of
           information among professional and avocational Southwestern
           archaeologists and the public
        o  Provide a free forum for the publication of organizational
           newsletters, appropriate research data, symposia proceedings,
           current events activities, and cultural resource management
        o  Allow greater public access to Southwestern anthropological,
           archaeological and historical information in order to:
           broaden intellectual development and scientific reasoning;
           encourage social interaction; foster cultural understanding;
           and, promote appropriate hands-on activities with high
           entertainment value
        o  Promote anthropological thinking and the use of archaeological
           and historical methodologies to critically examine current
           environmental, social and cultural issues and encourage their
           just and appropriate resolution
        o  Foil archaeological vandalism and illegal antiquities trading by               
           cooperative law enforcement action, and through direct legislative,
           judicial and historic preservation activism
SWA and the SASIG are copyrighted by Brian Kenny and Matthias Giessler.
These service-oriented Internet sites are non-commercial and not-for-profit.
Active public participation is valued and encouraged ( for more information
SWA and the SASIG run through computer servers housed at Arizona State
University. Some SWA and SASIG data are mirrored on AzTeC, the
community-based free net located in Arizona.
SWA and the SASIG are experimental web services. The information contained
within their pages serves only as a convenient public service information
source and guide for anthropological activities in the American Southwest.
The creators of SWA site have made every effort to include information as
accurately as possible.  They shall not be liable for any accident, injury,
irregularity, loss or damage caused by or arising as a result of information
contained within the pages of SWA or the SASIG.
Demonstrating regional leadership in transportation systems, advanced
planning, information management, and public service, the Maricopa County
Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has generously granted permission for
limited use of their computer servers to re-transmit to the public via
E-mail, SASIG and other current events information as described above.
Otherwise, the Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is not
affiliated with SWA, the SASIG, or the AzTeC free net.
Brian Kenny
Matthias Giessler